Customer Service and Shipping closed on November 28 & 29th in honor of Thanksgiving.

Serco Typical Holdown & Float w/ Pinion Gear and Shaft

AA. 51730 H. 212-109 N. 586-0316 U. 583-0006
B. 8-8195 I. 214-204 O. 589-0023 V. 332-048
C. 328-792 J. 212-204 P. 212-103 W. 8-8134
D. 332-047 K. 234-121 Q. 333-033 X. 214-341
E. 585-0016 L. 8-8102 R. 214-201 Y. 234-361
F. 586-0230 M. 214-245 S. Consult Factory Z. 585-0054
G. 8-8132


 Diagram Serco 4